Proxmox - A Network Inside Network With VyOS - PART 3 - Configuring Vyos with Ansible
In Part 2 we went over initial configuration of VyOS including setting up:
- Interfaces
- Static routes
- DHCP servers
- DNS forwarding
- Firewall rules
Now we want I want to do this in a more automated fashion, my goto is Ansible for something like this configuration management.
VyOS documentation on Automation with Ansible is a bit sparse, I may put a PR in to add some of these examples.
There are some good modules in the vyos.vyos
Ansible collection which I may migrate a lot of this to use If they work well enough, but for now we
will focus on the vyos_config and using a jinja
file for templating.
If you are new to Ansible, then this post is not an introduction to Ansible, so I sugest you check out Jeff Geerlings Ansible 101, this is a fantastic introduction to Ansible and how powerful it can be then come back here.
Step 1 - Ansible directory structure
You can pull from my Github - vyos-lab to get you started.
I will be creating a new branch for each post and my main
branch is what is running in my lab at
the moment so feel free to peek ahead.
├── ansible.cfg
├── group_vars
│ ├── all
│ │ └── defaults.yml
│ └── vyos.yml
├── hosts
├── Pipfile
├── Pipfile.lock
├── requirements.yml
├── roles
│ ├── vyos_base
│ │ ├── handlers
│ │ │ └── main.yml
│ │ ├── tasks
│ │ │ └── main.yml
│ │ └── templates
│ │ └── base.j2
│ └── vyos_users
│ ├── handlers
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yml
│ └── templates
│ └── users.j2
├── vars
│ └── users.yml
├── vyos_base.yml
└── vyos_users.yml
Step 2 - Initial setup
I have used pipenv
to create a python environment so I dont have to install ansible on my local
machine, you can follow along with your installed version of ansible or you can install pipenv
with your OS package manager*.
*Obviously you are using Linux the best OS
Then simply run pipenv install
and when that is complete jump into your virtual python environment
with pipenv shell
I also have created a nix flake
devshell if you are feeling that way which is in main
You should have the latest version of ansible
installed along with ansible-lint
and ansible-pylibssh
which replaces paramiko
Now you have ansible, you need to configure your hosts
file, I have set up DNS entries on my pi-hole
servers for these so I can use just the hostname, you may need to add extra bits but heres my hosts
# ./hosts
[vyos:children] # So we have a `vyos` group
# This is to create a lab group so we can share variables for other
devices in our lab
firewall.lab # ansible_ssh_host= <- Add this if you can't
ssh to your vyos machine using hostname only
Now we will set some ansible defaults in ansible.cfg
inventory = hosts # This tells ansible to use the hosts file
we just created as the inventory
# These are just some other defaults I throw in.
host_key_checking = no
retry_files_enabled = false
Next we want to set up our group vars group_vars/all/defaults.yml
, This will be used in our jinja
templating to set name-servers
and our static route
to our HOME
router as well as the url
adding image updates.
# ./group_vars/all/defaults.yml
- # Set this to whatever dns servers you want
default_gateway: # Set this to your home router
rolling: true # This sets that we are using rolling vyos not LTS
rolling_url: ""
# Will probalby change this var to just `update_url:` so it can be used
for rolling and LTS
After this we need to tell ansible how it is going to connect to our VyOS
machines, as this uses
for its connection. We can set this up in group_vars/vyos.yml
which is why the vyos
group is
in our inventory file as I may be adding a mikrotik
router to my lab to do some more complex networking.
# ./group_vars/vyos.yml
ansible_connection: network_cli
ansible_network_os: vyos
ansible_become: true
ansible_become_method: enable
ssh_port: 22
ansible_user: YOUR-USERNAME
ansible_python_interpereter: /usr/bin/env python3
Nearly there, Now we need to set up our user in users.yml
I put this in ./vars/
# ./vars/users.yml
Go grab or generate an ssh
key pair and add your public key/s to the ssh_keys
list, you can add
multiple keys as the template will loop over them and add them.
We are now all set up and now can create our roles
Part 3 - Roles
Base role
I wanted to make my ansible modular and use roles for each area of VyOS
, the first role I want to
look at is the base
role, this sets up the basic settings such as:
- hostname
- ssh
- port
- disable-password auth
- set name-servers
- set static route out
- delete vyos user
- set update config
So if we look at our directory structure we have three directories under each role
. handlers
and templates
is where all the magic happens, lets have a look at our template for our base role.
# ./roles/vyos_base/templates/base.j2
{# Set hostname #}
set system host-name {{ inventory_hostname_short }}
{# Set SSH #}
set service ssh port {{ ssh_port }}
set service ssh disable-password-authentication
{# Set Nameservers #}
{% for nameserver in name_servers %}
set system name-server {{ nameserver }}
{% endfor %}
{# Set Static route #}
set protocols static route next-hop {{ default_gateway }}
{# Remove vyos user #}
delete system login user vyos
{# Set rolling update url #}
{% if rolling %}
set system update-check url '{{ rolling_url }}'
{% endif %}
I have added comments for what each bit does, first we set the hostname
then set ssh
then name-servers
followed by static route
, we then remove the vyos
user then set the update url
Now we don’t want to run this first as if you haven’t already set up a user other than vyos then this
will either fail or lock you out as you will delete the vyos
User role
Lets now have a look at our user role template, again same format as the previous role structure.
{# Set up user and ssh key #}
{% for user in users %}
{% for key in user.ssh_keys %}
system login user {{ }} authentication public-keys {{ key.split()[2] }} key '{{ key.split()[1] }}'
system login user {{ }} authentication public-keys {{ key.split()[2] }} type '{{ key.split()[0] }}'
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
In this loop we could add multiple users and multiple keys if we wanted to.
Now for each role we have a tasks/main.yml
which all follow the same format
# roles/ROLE_NAME/tasks/main.yml
- name: "Set up ROLE_NAME"
notify: Save config
Each role has a handler handlers/main.yml
which is the same and this just saves the config.
- name: Save config
save: true
The final piece, to be able to run the roles we need a playbook. I put these in the root of the directory. Generally I name them the same as the role to make it easier.
- name: Set up VyOS Base
hosts: vyos
gather_facts: true
order: inventory
- vyos_base
- name: Set up VyOS Users
hosts: vyos
gather_facts: false
order: inventory
- ./vars/users.yml
- vyos_users
You will notice I add vars_files:
this is so we can use the users.yml
as I see it as a gobal
variable and not a group
or host
Part 4 - Running the playbook
Now, If we should be in a position to run our playbooks, Again important to note we want to add our
user first then run the base
Now since I have set up my vyos user and vyos password to be vyos from Part 1 the first run I will have to use a command line variable. So I will run:
ansible-playbook vyos_users.yml -e'ansible_user=vyos ansible_password=vyos' --diff
I use the --diff
flag to show what has changed, helps when debugging when adding --check
will run in check
mode and not actually make any changes, but show what changes
would be made.
For demonstration, I added a new user called blog
with same keys as my user. My output looks like
NOTE: adjusted output formatting for better reading
PLAY [Set up VyOS Users] *********************************************
TASK [vyos_users : Set up Users] *************************************
[system login user]
+ blog {
+ authentication {
+ public-keys oliverkelly@laptop {
+ type "ssh-ed25519"
+ }
+ }
+ }
[WARNING]:To ensure idempotency and correct diff the input configuration
lines should be similar to how they appear if present in the running
configuration on device including the indentation
changed: [firewall.lab]
RUNNING HANDLER [vyos_users : Save config] ***************************
changed: [firewall.lab]
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************
firewall.lab: ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0
For demonstration purposes I deleted some config so that the ansible would add it back in.
Heres the output of ansible-playbook vyos_base.yml --diff
NOTE: adjusted output formatting for better reading
PLAY [Set up VyOS Base] **********************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ***********************************************
ok: [firewall.lab]
TASK [vyos_base : Set up base configuration] *************************
[service ssh]
+ disable-password-authentication
[system login user]
- vyos {
- }
+ host-name "firewall"
+ update-check {
+ url ""
+ }
[WARNING]:To ensure idempotency and correct diff the input configuration
lines should be similar to how they appear if present in the running
configuration on device including the indentation
changed: [firewall.lab]
RUNNING HANDLER [vyos_base : Save config] *****************************
changed: [firewall.lab]
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************
firewall.lab : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0
As you can see, this is a nice way to have our config for vyos as code and this is just the first bit. In Part 4 we will look at creating our networks with a new role.