Oliver '0lzi' Kelly

Oliver '0lzi' Kelly

20 posts
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Jul 22, 2019

Episode 007 - We are family.

Episode 007 - We are family.

Today we talk about something that means more to the Linux community than the kernel. Community, This is one of the biggest driving force for desktop Linux. This comes if all forms, from

Apr 28, 2019

Episode 002 - The last straw

Episode 002 - The last straw

Let me tell you a story, it started around September 2018 ,before I begin a bit of background information. I have been a Windows user since I built my first computer at 9.

Apr 18, 2019

Episode 000 - Introductions

Episode 000 - Introductions

Hi 🤗 This is the blog to compliment my channel, or my channel to compliment blog, not quite decided the direction this is going yet. There is going to be a small delay in